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Curry College students receive their Alexander Graham Bell Honor Society membership certificates

Students who are driven to excel in their respective area of study can become involved in a number of signature programs of excellence at Curry College.  These include Honor Societies recognizing the hard work and dedication of Curry students in a variety of majors.

Students can become involved academically outside of the classroom in a number of ways at Curry College, including induction into one of several local chapters of national honor societies or Curry's own Alexander Graham Bell Honor Society.  These honor societies recognize the hard work and dedication of Curry students in a variety of majors.

Honor Societies at Curry College include:

Year Curry Nursing
First Time
National Total
(U.S. Educated)
2023 141 90.78% 92% 89%
2022 156 76.43% 82% 80%
2021 136 85.19% 86% 82%
2020 122 91.06% 90% 88%
2019 110 91.82% 91% 88%
2018 127 96.85% 89% 88%
2017 114 93.22% 86% 87%

President Jay Gonzalez and Curry College Students pose for the Class photo

President's Leadership Program

The President’s Leadership Program (PLP) at Curry College is made up of a highly selective group of talented, driven, compassionate, and accomplished students and is designed to inspire and foster leaders of tomorrow. The President’s Leadership Program prepares students for a life of leadership, civic responsibility, and career success through a range of activities, workshops, and events just for PLP students both inside and outside the classroom.

A student presents his research at the Curry College Annual Academic Forum

Annual Academic Forum

Every spring, Curry students have the opportunity to present their scholarly work to faculty, staff, and fellow students at the Academic Forum - with projects ranging across all majors and stages in the iterative process of discovery and inquiry.