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Curry College Students in Bell Hall

Accessible Housing is available to students at Curry who have disabilities that substantially impact one or more major life activities as they relate to housing. The purpose of housing accommodations is to address aspects of residential life that are inaccessible in relation to a student’s disability.

Examples of housing accommodations include but are not limited to:

  • Elevator or First Floor Access
  • ADA Accessible Bedrooms and Bathrooms
  • Single Dorms
  • Allergen-related modifications such as central air, air conditioning unit and carpet free rooms
  • Horn Strobes or Bed Shakers

Any approval under this policy is valid for one academic year, if approved prior to, or during, the fall semester. If the accommodation is approved after the fall semester, the approval is valid for the spring semester only. To receive the same accommodation in each academic year, students must resubmit documentation.

Requesting Housing Accommodations

  1. Please reach out to Accessibility Services to schedule an intake appointment. Accessibility Services can be reached by email at or by phone at 617-333-2385.
  2. Submit your Housing Accommodations Provider form that follows Accessibility Services guidelines, containing and lists medically necessary housing accommodations specifically. Accessibility Services cannot make assumptions based on a diagnosis, or from evaluations/letters that do not include housing needs. Please note that documentation that does not meet the guidelines is considered incomplete, and the housing request will remain incomplete until guideline compliant documentation is received.

Once the student completes the above process, their request will be reviewed by Accessibility Services to determine eligibility based on medical necessity. Representatives from other invested offices, such as Residence Life, the Counseling Center, Health Center, and Dining Services are often consulted to determine how reasonable accommodations will be implemented based on the specific residential environment. The decision to approve or deny the request will be emailed to the student and will include information on next steps.

Accommodations for Students with Disabilities

  • Accessibility Services is permitted to approve medically necessary housing accommodations only. Personal preferences, such as a specific residence hall, are not included or permitted in the accommodations process.
  • Residence Life reserves the right to place students in a setting that reflects the approved accommodations. Students will not be given multiple options to choose from. Residence Life also reserves the right to reassign a student to a space that meets the medical need. The change will ONLY accommodate the student with the medical need and not the selected roommates.
  • An approved housing accommodation will supersede any preferences or roommate selections previously requested.
  • Accessibility Services and Residence Life are not responsible for helping a student move.
  • An approved housing accommodation does not guarantee placement, especially after Residence Life deadlines have passed. Placement is on a first come first served basis, and subject to availability.

Housing Deadlines

Fall deadline for returning students: MARCH 1

Fall deadline for incoming first-year students: JULY 1

Spring deadline for January enrollment: DECEMBER 15

Housing Preferences

Students who may benefit from an adjustment in their residential space due to health related symptoms that do not rise to the level of a significant disabling condition have the opportunity to identify their housing preference(s) during the Curry Housing process. These requests might include specific roommates, AC unit, single room, and suite style living.

Please note that residential buildings and housing units with air conditioning do not guarantee low allergens, better air quality, or consistent air temperatures, because most College residential and academic buildings do not have individually controlled air conditioning units.