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Student Accounts

Your student account is a cumulative balance account which includes all of the charges and credits applied to it during your enrollment at Curry College. Some examples include, but are not limited to: tuition and fees, housing and meals, financial aid credits and adjustments, payments made to your account, late fees, the Student Health Insurance fee and possibly fines, such as library and parking.

This account becomes a part of your permanent information file and remains after you graduate or cease to be enrolled.

Additional Information

Students are billed at their permanent home address twice per year. Fall semester bills are mailed in mid-June and due in mid-July for enrolled students. Subsequent bills are mailed monthly and are due in full upon receipt. Spring bills will be mailed in mid-November with a due date in mid-December. Subsequent bills are mailed monthly and are due in full upon receipt. A $200 late fee will be assessed for late payment.

Curry College offers a variety of financing options for our students. Please contact the Student Financial Services Office at (617) 333-2354 or via email to for additional information.

Enrolled students can view their current bill online by logging in to their myCurry Portal account.  New transactions may take up to 24 hours to appear online.

All tuition and fees are payable on the date specified prior to the opening of each semester. Any student who fails to settle all outstanding balances is at risk for losing the semester's course schedule and, if applicable, their housing assignment.  Additionally, the student may not check in at the start of the semester nor depart for study abroad/exchange programs, register for or attend classes, participate in student activities including athletics, utilize campus facilities such as the Fitness Center, receive grade reports, or be granted a degree. The student is responsible for any costs incurred by the College in collecting past due balances. Students must be in Financial Good Standing to participate in all Curry College programs and activities included but not limited to participation as an athlete, resident assistant, student government leader, and club member. To be in Financial Good Standing, a student must have settled their student accounts for all accounts currently due. A student's account is considered "settled" when it is either paid or covered by one of the following:

  • Pending financial aid, including alternative loans, with no outstanding paperwork or other issues remaining. Funds must be approved by the lender to be disbursed directly to the College at a specific future date.
  • A current and up-to-date payment plan established through Curry's third- party servicer, which allows payments to be spread over the course of the academic year.

Students must complete and return all additional documentation, verification, corrections and/or new information requested by Curry's Office of Student Financial Services or the outside agency to which an application was submitted. Financial aid awards will not be posted to a student account if any paperwork is missing. If paperwork remains outstanding, the financial aid may be forfeited and the student will remain responsible to pay any amounts that would have been covered by the financial aid.

The Commonwealth of Massachusetts requires colleges and universities to provide a Student Health Insurance Plan (SHIP) with minimum statutory levels of coverage. Curry College provides this coverage to all students who are enrolled in at least 75%of the full time curriculum. Unless an insurance waiver is completed by the specified due date, insurance will be provided by the College.

Students and/or parents/guardians with questions about waiver requests, eligibility, enrollment, benefits or claims may directly contact University Health Plans at 833-251-1731 or

Insurance Rates for 2024-2025:
The rate for the 2024-2025 year is $3,385 for the full year and $1,975 for students starting in the spring 2025 semester. For additional information on the Curry College sponsored student health insurance plan, brochures are available online at

Insurance Rates for 2025-2026:
The rate for the 2025-2026 year is $3,385 for the full year and $1,975 for students starting in the spring 2025 semester. For additional information on the Curry College sponsored student health insurance plan, brochures are available online at

Waiving Health Insurance:
To waive, please select "Waiver Form" in the left navigation menu using the link and directions below, complete all required information, and click submit. If a waiver form is not submitted by the deadline, the student will be automatically enrolled in the Blue Cross and Blue Shield Student Health Insurance Plan.  No waivers can be accepted after the deadline. Should you have questions about these changes and/or the enrollment or waiver process, please contact University Health Plans at 833-251-1731 or the Student Financial Services Office at (617) 333-2354.  

2025-2026 Instructions for Waiving the Student Health Insurance Online

Please review the below information carefully:

  • Waiver forms will be reviewed by the plan broker and administrator, University Health Plans.
  • If your waiver is approved, the insurance charge on your student account will be removed in 3-5 business days.
  • Travel insurance plans, international health insurance plans and short term limited duration plans do not meet the waiver requirements and will not be accepted. If you submit your waiver form with a travel insurance plan, international health insurance plan or short term limited duration plan, a subsequent email that states your waiver form has been denied will be sent to you within 3-5 business days.
  1. Visit

  2. Click on “Waiver Form” from the navigation menu on the left-hand side of the page.

  3. Review the Important Reminders page. Complete Health Insurance Comparison Worksheet to ensure your plan is comparable to the Curry College student health insurance plan.

  4. Once you have confirmed your plan provides comprehensive coverage, select the “Waiver Form” box and enter your first and last name, Curry student ID# and date of birth to access the form.

    1. Once you log into the form, enter your demographic and insurance information, review and select “Apply for Waiver.” Note: Fill in all the required information. Required fields are noted with an asterisk (*). If any information is missing your waiver will not be accepted.

  5. Once you submit the waiver form you will receive an immediate message that your transaction was successfully submitted. In addition, you will receive an email confirmation of the submission at the email address you entered on your waiver form. Print/save the confirmation for your records. Should you not receive an immediate response, please contact University Health Plans at 833-251-1731 as this would mean you did not successfully waive the Curry College student health insurance plan and you will default into the plan if not completed successfully.

    As a reminder, waiver forms will be reviewed by the plan broker and administrator, University Health Plans. Travel insurance plans, international health insurance plans and short term limited duration plans do not meet the waiver requirements and will not be accepted.

  6. Curry College will be notified electronically of all approved Waiver Forms.

Comprehensive Fee
The Comprehensive Fee allows the College to offer a variety of co-curricular, co-academic and support services to full-time traditional students to enhance their academic and student life experiences while enrolled at Curry.  This mandatory, semester-based fee is required of all students and cannot be waived.

Student Activity Fee
The Student Activity Fee provides funding for the Student Government Association (SGA) budget and the Student Entertainment and Events (SEE) budget for the year.  This mandatory, semester-based fee is required of all students and cannot be waived.

Orientation Fee
An orientation fee is required of all new students to cover the cost of the summer and fall orientation programs.  This is a fixed fee for all new students and supports transitional programming at the beginning of each semester.

Returned Payments
Any payment made, even if on a timely basis, that results in being returned for insufficient funds, lack of authorizing signature, etc. will result in the reversal of the payment and a $30 returned payment charge. In addition, a returned payment for a student account may result in a late payment charge if no other form of payment is received prior to the payment due date.

If you believe your bill contains an error or you wish to dispute any item contained on it, describe the nature of your dispute in writing and mail it to Curry College, Attn: Student Accounts, 1071 Blue Hill Avenue, Milton, MA 02186 or email to

Contact us in writing as soon as possible to preserve your rights. We must hear from you in writing no later than 60 days from the time that we sent you the first bill on which the error or problem occurred. Please provide the following information in your letter:

  1. Your name and student ID number
  2. The dollar amount of the suspected error
  3. Describe the error in as much detail as you can, explaining why you believe there is an error.

After we receive your written notice, we will acknowledge your letter within seven days. Within 14 days from the receipt of your letter, we will either correct the error, or explain our findings to you.

If your cash payments and financial aid, including any disbursements of Federal Title IV funds such as Federal Pell Grants or Federal Direct Loans, create a credit balance on your student account, we will retain these credits on your student account to be used against the charges of future terms of enrollment, only if you complete a Credit Balance Authorization Form (CBA). Otherwise, a student refund check, made payable to the student, will be mailed to your permanent address according to the time frame established by the federal government.

Student Refund Checks

You may request a student refund for any portion of any credit balance on your student account even if you have filed a CBA Form (see "credit balances" above). Refunds will only be issued for actual credit balances and will not be issued based on "pending" payments. Student refunds normally require approximately two weeks to process. All student refunds will be made payable to the student. We will mail your check to your permanent address.

Please be aware that institutional based funds will not post to your student account until approximately one week after that semester's Add/Drop deadline. Refer to the Academic Calendar for Add/Drop dates.

All students are urged to register with Nelnet, the College’s electronic refund partner to provide you with faster access to your money. There is NO FEE for this service. To register for E-refunds:

  • Login to your myCurry account.
  • Click on Account Invoice, under the Finances tab (myFinances for Continuing Education/Graduate students).
  • Click on the Nelnet link – located at the bottom of the invoice. You will be brought to the Nelnet website to create an account. Your account will be prepopulated with information from your Curry student account. Click NEXT.
  • Each time you log in going forward, this will be your Nelnet account home screen.
  • Click on Manage Refunds to update banking information.
  • Confirm your information is correct, including student ID. Click Next.
  • Select “Bank Account/Direct Deposit”.
    Note: If you do not select a refund method, a check will be sent to your permanent address (on file with the College) via first class mail and it will take approximately 14 days to arrive from the date your refund request is processed. It is crucial that you keep your permanent address current with Curry College.
  • Enter your banking information.
  • Click Save after entering the information.

Bookstore Vouchers

You may request a Bookstore Voucher up to the amount of your expected credit balance, including pending financial aid payments. However, pending Tuition Payment Plan monthly payments will not be considered for this purpose. The vouchers may be used to purchase textbooks in the Campus Bookstore.  All vouchers expire 30 days from the date of issue. Unused voucher amounts will be returned to your student account within 60 days of their expiration date.  You must have a Credit Balance Authorization Form (CBA) on file to request a Bookstore Voucher.  You can obtain a CBA form from the Student Financial Services Office or by downloading the form from this website and submitting it to our office.