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Welcome to the School of Nursing and Health Sciences

Nursing Students work in the Curry College SIM LabWelcome to the Curry College School of Nursing and Health Sciences.  Our program began in 1977 when Boston Children's Hospital School of Nursing elected to phase out their diploma school and merge their resources with the Curry community to create a baccalaureate program. As the first Nursing program in the State of Massachusetts to be accredited by the Commission on Collegiate Nursing Education, we pride ourselves on delivering a rigorous, world- class, educational experience that prepares graduates to provide the highest quality of nursing care. As a School of Nursing and Health Sciences within a liberal arts college, our faculty are uniquely dedicated to helping students learn to apply knowledge, humanely, intelligently, and effectively in our complex changing world. Our vision is that graduates will ultimately transform into leaders who will use evidence-based knowledge to practice nursing with creativity, compassion, and commitment.

Students at Curry College School of Nursing  and Health Sciences are immersed in a caring and innovative educational environment designed to promote transformative thinking, intellectual and social growth, evaluation of evidence, synthesis of knowledge, and interpersonal and clinical expertise. Our curriculum is founded on the national Quality and Safety in Nursing Education (QSEN) core competencies.  Curry College's location in the Boston metropolitan area creates the perfect opportunity for students to experience dynamic, hands-on learning at some of the best medical facilities in the world.

Our faculty members are nationally and internationally recognized for their scholarship, leadership, and scientific achievements - all of which continue to shape the nursing profession. Our academic offerings include a Master of Science in Nursing program with majors in Leadership and Education, along with an Accelerated MSN, a certificate program in perioperative nursing, three pathways to obtain a nursing baccalaureate degree: traditional, ACCEL, and RN-BS, and undergraduate majors in exercise science and public health and wellness. Whether you are pre-licensure student, a registered nurse looking to advance your education, we hope that you will consider Curry College School of Nursing and Health Sciences the first choice for your professional journey.

Our Tradition


The mission of Curry College Nursing is to prepare and advance the practice of nursing to provide safe and effective nursing care that achieves quality outcomes. The faculty educates nurses who gain and apply knowledge humanely, intelligently, and effectively in a complex changing world and who demonstrate continued involvement in learning, study, and research.  To achieve this mission, Curry College Nursing provides a caring and innovative educational environment that promotes intellectual and social growth, synthesis of knowledge, and interpersonal and clinical expertise.


The vision of Curry College Nursing is to develop leaders who use evidence-based knowledge to practice nursing with compassion, commitment, and creativity.

Curry College, founded in Boston in 1879, is a private, liberal arts-based institution located in Milton, Massachusetts, seven miles from downtown Boston.  The College also provides programs to a non-traditional population on the Plymouth campus.

Curry College's nursing program began in 1977 as when Boston's Children's Hospital decided to phase out the hospital's diploma program.  The educational excellence of Boston Children's Hospital continued as their students merged with the Curry community and a newly admitted first year nursing class to become the Curry College Division of Nursing. The program was originally constructed as an associate degree program in Nursing with a registered nurse completion program. Curry College continues to offer a robust RN to Bachelor of Science Degree track: however, the associate degree was soon phased out in favor of a traditional a four-year baccalaureate Nursing Program.

The Nursing programs prides itself on its leadership and history of accomplishments in Nursing education:  

  • 1990 - Curry College's Nursing Honor Society became a member of Theta-Chapter-at-Large, Sigma Theta Tau International's seventh oldest chapter in the United States and oldest chapter in New England.
  • 2000 - The undergraduate program became the first nursing program in Massachusetts to be granted accreditation by the Commission on Collegiate Nursing Education.
  • 2004 - The Division welcomed the first class in the Accelerated Entry Level to Nursing Program - ACCEL. The ACCEL program was the first accelerated second degree Baccalaureate program in the Boston area and the second in Massachusetts.
  • 2007 - The program was selected as one of 15 schools of nursing nationally to be a pilot program for the Robert Wood Johnson Quality and Safety in Nursing Education (QSEN) project.
  • 2008 - The Division welcomed students to the first Masters of Nursing Science (MSN) program at Curry College with a Clinical Nurse Leader (CNL) focus. The Curry CNL master's program was the second in Massachusetts and the first in the Boston area. The MSN program has since transitioned to two track options: Nursing Education and Administration.
  • 2016 - The next natural step in the Nursing Division's evolution came as we reorganized to become Curry College .  The elevation in status associated with this exciting change will create an environment that enhances our growth as we evolve to meet the professions' workforce needs.
  • 2018 - The receives approval to deliver an online option for the RN-BS track and preliminary approval to expand the ACCEL track to Plymouth.

The baccalaureate degree program in nursing and master's degree program in nursing at Curry College are accredited by the Commission on Collegiate Nursing Education, 655 K Street, NW, Suite 750, Washington, DC 20001, 202-887-6791.


Pre-licensure Tracks, traditional and ACCEL are approved by the Board of Registration in Nursing (BORN) of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts, 250 Washington Street, Boston, MA 02108, 800-414-0168. The AE-MSN program has received initial approval status from the Board of Registration in Nursing (BORN) of the Commonwealth of Massachusetts.

Year Curry Nursing
First Time
National Total
(U.S. Educated)
2023 141 90.78% 92% 89%
2022 156 76.43% 82% 80%
2021 136 85.19% 86% 82%
2020 122 91.06% 90% 88%
2019 110 91.82% 91% 88%
2018 127 96.85% 89% 88%
2017 114 93.22% 86% 87%

School of Nursing student in the Curry College SIM Lab

School of Nursing SIM Program Awarded International Endorsement

In 2023, the Curry College School of Nursing received the International Nursing Association Clinical Simulation and Learning (INACSL) Endorsement for its simulation program, which includes recognition of both its Milton and Plymouth Simulation sites. Joining 23 elite programs recognized globally, the Curry College School of Nursing is just one of two Massachusetts programs to receive the endorsement and is the first school of nursing based in a private college in Massachusetts to receive the honor.

Life-Changing Opportunities Await

Start with a foundation in the liberal arts. Add attentive faculty and countless opportunities to learn by doing. That’s what you’ll get with a bachelor’s degree from Curry. Learn what’s waiting for you today.