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Academic ExcellenceThe Registrar's Office maintains student academic records and compliance with FERPA (the Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act). We oversee and provide assistance, information, and support on matters pertaining to those records. This includes, but is not limited to, course schedules, registration, transcripts, grades, academic standing, transfer credits, progress toward degree completion, and enrollment status and certification.
Registrar's Office
1071 Blue Hill Avenue
Milton, MA 02186
Hours of Operation:
Monday - Friday 8:30 a.m. - 4:30 p.m.
Phone: 617-333- 2008
Fax: 617-979-3540
The institutional process for assigning credit hours to courses, in accordance with federal regulations, is based on minimum academic activity for students to achieve intended learning outcomes as verified by evidence of student achievement.
Each credit hour of instruction consists of approximately one hour of classroom or directed faculty instruction. In addition, students are expected to complete a minimum of two hours of "out of class" academic activity each week for each credit hour of instruction, for approximately fifteen weeks for one semester or the equivalent amount of academic activity over a different amount of time for semesters of other durations.
For classes offered in other formats leading to the award of academic credit, an equivalent amount of academic activity is required.
Under Massachusetts law, the age of majority is 18 and carries full adult rights and responsibilities. Accordingly, the College will communicate directly with students in matters concerning their education records, such as grades, academic credits, and academic standing.
However, the College understands that there may be cases where one or both parents may wish to obtain information regarding the student. In accordance with The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974 as amended (FERPA), Curry College will normally release such information only with the student's written authorization. A copy of the form is mailed to the student's home address prior to his or her first semester of enrollment.
However, if requested, we may release information without a signed release from the student to a parent of a student who is a dependent as defined by the I.R.S. A copy of the income tax return is required if not already on file at the College.
Matriculation/Degree Candidacy
A degree student is one who has been accepted to become a candidate for the baccalaureate degree.
Full-time/Part-time Status
Full-time degree candidates register for 12-18 credits per semester and are eligible for College housing and participation in varsity sports (provided they are making satisfactory academic progress) and student activities; part-time degree candidates register for fewer than 12 credits per semester and are not normally eligible for College housing or for participation in varsity sports and student activities.
Students who wish to change their status from full-time to part-time must notify the Registrar's Office and are advised to consult the Director of Financial Aid to determine whether the change will affect any financial aid they may be receiving. Also see section in Academic Policies for Satisfactory Progress to Degree.
Continuing Education Students
A Continuing Education student is a student who has officially registered through the Division of Continuing Education and Graduate Studies, and whose primary course load at Curry is in evening, weekend, or off-site classes. Normally, a Continuing Education student will register for up to 15 credits within a combination of terms during a semester with no more than nine credits taken simultaneously. Any Continuing Education student who chooses to take a course in the day will pay tuition and fees for such a course commensurate with the standard full-time (i.e., day) rate. Continuing Education students are restricted from participation in varsity athletics.
Class standing is determined as follows:
Freshman 0-29.5 credits earned
Sophomore 30-59.5 credits earned
Junior 60-89.5 credits earned
Senior 90 or more credits earned
The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA) affords students certain rights with respect to their education records. They are:
The Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act of 1974 (FERPA), as amended, provides that the College may disclose Directory Information, that is, information that is generally not considered harmful to students nor an invasion of their privacy if disclosed, without the consent of students. The following information is generally not considered harmful to student nor an invasion of privacy if disclosed:
Students who wish the College to withhold Directory Information need to notify the Registrar in writing within 14 calendar days after Registration day. Since requests for non-disclosure are in effect only during the semester of the written request, students must notify the Registrar each semester. Request forms are available at the Registrar's Office.
The Family Portal allows deposited or enrolled students to create accounts for family members to provide them with access to campus wide resources and specific personal information about their student, as allowed by the student. The student decides who to give access to and what each family member has access to view (i.e., course schedules, grades, financial aid, and billing statements). A student can also select who, if anyone, they wish to allow to discuss their academic information with College personnel. College personnel will include, but is not limited to, staff in the Registrar’s Office, staff in Academic Affairs and Advising & Academic Success, faculty members, faculty advisors, and PAL staff (if applicable). The student can request an account for a family member by:
Note: The student can change access rights at any time by returning to the “myFamily Access” link.
Diploma Reorder Form
Students who wish to reorder a diploma must complete and submit the Diploma Reorder Form. There is a $50.00 fee applied for reorders which you will have the option of paying on-line or by mailing in to the Registrar's office:
Curry College
Registrar's Office
79 Atherton Street
Milton, MA 02186
Once we receive your reorder request, it will take approximately two weeks (during peak processing times, approximately 4 weeks) for our vendor to process your diploma. When we receive your diploma from our vendor we will mail it to the address you specify on the reorder form. If you have questions or concerns regarding your order, please contact the Registrar's office at 617-333-2008.
The Massachusetts (MA) Guarantee is a transfer partnership between Massachusetts community colleges and participating four-year colleges and universities, including Curry College. Eligible community college graduates are able to transfer seamlessly - admission guaranteed!
Students who would like to return to the College after an official withdrawal or dismissal from the College may apply for readmission. Please follow the link above to submit the application to the Registrar's Office.
Readmission applications will be reviewed by a committee consisting of staff from Academic Affairs, Advising & Academic Success, the Office of the Registrar and Student Affairs. In addition to the information you provide, the committee also reviews information including academic standing prior to withdrawal including credits attempted and earned, conduct status, financial clearance, and available space in programs and course sequencing. If you seek to change your major as part of the readmission process, you may be required to meet with an advisor prior to completing the process.
After a voluntary withdrawal:
Students should have been withdrawn from the College for at least a full semester prior to seeking readmission unless extenuating circumstances exist.
After an academic- or conduct-related dismissal/separation:
Students should be away from the College for at least a full academic year in the case of an academic dismissal/separation, and should review the terms of their academic or conduct dismissal/separation prior to seeking readmission.
All students applying for readmission must provide the following:
Curry College Transfer Equivalency Database
Transfer Credit Evaluation Tool
College-level credit received from another institution, whether or not Curry College offers a parallel course, will normally be granted for graded courses in which a “C–” or better has been earned and the course is not of a technical nature that may not fit within the academic areas of the College. Grades do not transfer and transfer credits do not apply toward the student’s Curry GPA, but do apply toward total attempted credits.
Nursing students must earn a grade of “C” or better in all prerequisites (Anatomy & Physiology I, Anatomy & Physiology II and Chemistry with Lab) in order for the courses to transfer. Regardless of the number of credits accepted by Curry College, the transfer student must meet the normal requirements for graduation. These are:
Curry College may accept transfer credits for non-traditional study in accordance with the following guidelines and procedures:
A student may apply for up to a maximum of 9 credits toward graduation for experiences which have had an educational value although they have not occurred in the traditional academic environment. The student must apply to the Committee on Equivalent Education for the awarding of these credits, stating the nature of the experiences and demonstrating the educational value of the experience. These credits will not replace the normal requirements for graduation, but will count as “elective” credits toward the 120 credits required for graduation.
Transfer credits for criminal justice majors will be accepted only from regionally accredited institutions. Criminal Justice majors may not receive credit for any non-traditional study, including life experience, professional development and coursework completed through the Armed Services.
When appropriate for the student’s academic program, the student may be allowed summer or concurrent registration at another institution. Students who are degree candidates may transfer credits to Curry College from other accredited colleges or universities under the following conditions. Please note that grades do not transfer and transfer credits do not apply toward the student’s Curry GPA, but do apply toward total attempted credits.
Students may make an online request to receive a Massachusetts or a Federal voter registration from Elections Division of the Secretary of the Commonwealth. A voter registration form will be mailed to you. You will not be registered to vote until you return the completed voter registration form to your city/town hall.
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