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Diversity Committee 

In the spring of 1995, the Institutional Committee on Diversity (a.k.a. Diversity Committee) was founded and given the following charge:

"The Institutional Committee on Diversity is charged with making recommendations to the President and Senior Staff on all aspects of diversity among students, faculty and staff. The committee shall work with other existing campus groups and offices in facilitating both curricular and co-curricular changes and modifications as deemed appropriate by the college community."

Since its creation, the Committee continues to collaborate with other groups and offices to sponsor or co-sponsor countless diversity-related events at Curry College throughout the academic year. We continuously strive to foster a wider understanding and appreciation of diversity in our community, with our ultimate goal of establishing a safe and enriching environment for all members of Curry.

If your club, organization, or department is planning an event related to diversity, we'd like to hear about it. Guest speakers, films, roundtable discussions, etcetera-we'd love to hear more, and help you further promote your event throughout the community.

For more information, email Vice President of Student Affairs, Erik Müürisepp at

PLEASE NOTE: We are closely following what is happening in Washington D.C. under the new administration, particularly any potential impacts to student financial aid. Our Financial Aid Office has always worked closely with our students and families, and that level of service will continue as we work hard to get accurate information and assess this situation as it quickly unfolds. However, it was confirmed this afternoon that Title IV funding is NOT immediately affected, such as federal student loans or Pell grants. We will be sending out future detailed communications to students and families once we have specific information that is helpful.