Schedule an appointment to meet with Career & Experiential Learning about your area of interest.
Make an AppointmentCriminology and Criminal Justice Major and Minor
Do you love the law? Want to make a difference by standing up for those who need a voice? Then a Criminology and Criminal Justice major or minor may be for you.
Criminology and Criminal Justice Major and MinorSociology Major and Minor
The sociology program at Curry College will offer you an in-depth look at contemporary human society including: group dynamics and social networks; social institutions like law, medicine, and education; migration and globalization; and intersectional identities.
Sociology Major and MinorTransformative Justice Major
The field of transformative justice is intended to build alternatives to our current justice systems, break generational cycles of violence within our communities and families, and address, reduce, end and prevent violence from happening. Students graduating from Curry College with a degree in Transformative Justice will be prepared for a variety of careers in human services, organizing, non-profit, and/or human rights as advocates and assisting in interventions for those who have been harmed or are in crisis.
Transformative Justice MajorForensic Science Major and Minor
Curry College offers students a major and minor in Forensic Science. Forensic science technicians aid criminal investigations by collecting and analyzing evidence. Many technicians specialize in either crime scene investigation or laboratory analysis.
Forensic Science Major and Minor5th Year Master's in Criminal Justice
The 5th Year MACJ program is an "honors" level program for students that are interested in earning both an undergraduate degree in any discipline and a Master of Arts in Criminal Justice. This program is available to all Curry College students, regardless of which bachelor's degree they are working toward earning.
5th Year MACJ Dual Degree Program Master of Arts in Criminal JusticeCritical Inequality Studies Minor
Curry's minor in Critical Inequality Studies is one of the only of its kind in New England. It follows an emerging trend among higher education leaders dedicated to expanding the understanding of inequality patterns and how these issues impact individuals, institutions, and society.
Critical Inequality Studies Minor/ConcentrationCybercrime Minor
A minor in Cybercrime will expose students to the world of crime involving computers, the internet and related modern technologies preparing them for professions in legal investigation, law enforcement and data analysis.
Cybercrime MinorForensic Investigations Minor
Students minoring in Forensic Investigations (not to be confused with Forensic Science) will be introduced to the various techniques, tools and scientific tests used to investigate crime along with the application of these elements in a court of law. The minor focuses on several areas of forensics, from digital and financial evidence collection to crime scene evidence and laboratory processing and evaluation.
Forensic Investigations MinorLaw and Society Minor
Students pursuing a minor in Law and Society will be prepared for careers in advocacy, legal research, paralegal studies, and for those who wish to pursue graduate school in law.
Law and Society MinorWhite-Collar Crime Minor
A minor in White-Collar Crime offers business, accounting, and criminal justice students a direct career path to one of the fastest-growing job sectors today. The only one of its kind in New England, the White-Collar Crime program spans financial transactions and fraud schemes to fraud examination investigations and the legal elements of white-collar crime.
White-Collar Crime MinorLaw Enforcement Concentration
The Law Enforcement Concentration will provide students who wish to enter a competitive job market with a clear path of elective choices that will enhance both their understanding of the field of law enforcement as well as their professional marketability post-graduation.
Law Enforcement ConcentrationRestorative Justice
Many professionals in careers that involve helping and supporting others are not adequately prepared to deal with the trauma rich environments they work in, causing a resulting stress. The Restorative Justice certificate program focuses students on trauma, healing and resiliency with an emphasis on restorative justice practices where the relationship between justice and healing is explored.
Restorative Justice CertificateSocial Work and Advocacy
Students pursuing either of the following tracks will gain the knowledge and skills needed to provide social work services in today's diverse environment, and/or provide informed advocacy for people who have witnessed or have been victimized by crime.
Minor in Social Work Survivor/Victim Advocacy Concentration
Criminal Justice Alum Founds Non-Profit Working with Brockton Community Youth
When Jackie Anne Joseph ’14 first transferred to Curry College, she wasn’t entirely sure what she wanted to do for a major. She was the first in her family to attend college, and claims she wasn’t the best student at the time. But eventually, she found her passion at Curry, and it changed the course of her career.